24 ft. Land Plane Floats Since 1982!

Made from a 10" channel iron frame, our float is rigid enough for true floating action!  Horsepower requirements start at 130 hp and vary depending on soil conditions and types.


We now use bolt on grader blades on all floats.  This allows for easier changing in the event a blade is damaged or worn down. A ratchet turnbuckle adjusts the gauge wheels to set the float for your specifications.  They can be lowered for road clearance as well.  There is a high lift option for greater clearance.  The hitch fits on your tractor's quick hitch and pulls the float from a pintle loop.  This allows your tractor's draft control system to regulate the load.   Ask about our shippable option.


We would be glad to work with your favorite dealer.  To protect our dealers we will sell to the general public at list price only.  Have your dealer give us a call.