Custom Built Cotton Auger Frames 8 row 20", 8 row 30", and 8 row 40"
Other configurations available

We have made many different custom configurations.  These options range from 18" & 20" complete units to extensions of different lengths.  We build our extensions and augers from scratch.  We have worked with both the John Deere 40/50 series and the new 60 series cotton strippers and row units.


Some of these pictures are our 8 row and 12 row 20" heads for 60 series JD.  This head is built from the ground up in our shop.  The row unit is a product of our making.


The 40/50 series header is a rigid one piece welded construction, not a bolt together frame.  We have moved the top mast out of the way to fit multiple row widths with no obstacles.  Row units are available from your favorite dealer.  He can help you with a package deal on our header and his row units.  Have your dealer give us a call.  He may also be able to help you with financing needs on your Cotton Stripper Equipment.